Offres d’emploi

Cet espace est destiné à recevoir des offres émanant de laboratoires (emploi, post-doc, recherche de candidats pour thèse) comme des demandes émanant d’étudiants (recherche de laboratoires pour un recrutement, recherche de stages).

Ces offres et/ou demandes sont à envoyer au secrétaire de l’association :

8 mars 2022 PhD thesis

PhD student opportunity on “microalgae lipid droplet”

Funding: CEA (CEA offers a competitive stipend plus all healthy benefits included)
Doctoral school: Ecole doctorale 62, Aix Marseille University
Host laboratory:
The team of “Microalgae and Bioenergies”, CEA, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, France
Director of the PhD thesis: Yonghua Li-Beisson (
Supervisors: Marina Siponen and Yonghua Li-Beisson
The project summary: Biogenesis and degradation of lipid droplet in microalgae Microalgae, by using solar energy and CO2, contribute significantly to the fixation of CO2 on Earth. Moreover, thanks to their metabolic capacity to synthesize carbon reserves (starch and lipids), they are also promising cellular factories for the production of biofuels, raw materials for chemistry or food. For biofuel applications, the low productivity of lipids is a major problem. This is partly due to the inverse relationship between oil content and biomass production. Oils are stored in lipid droplets (LDs), a subcellular organelle present in all eukaryotic cells. LD biogenesis and turnover play a critical role not only in cell oil content, but also in algal growth and fitness, determining overall biomass quality and productivity. However, the molecular mechanisms of LD turnover remain mostly unknown. This thesis project aims to dissect the molecular mechanisms involved in LD turnover in the model microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We will first establish a dynamic map of the LD proteome and lipidome under contrasting environmental conditions, then study protein-protein interactions to identify key proteins and their interaction partners. Finally, we will study the function of key proteins in LD biology and function via the study of mutants. This project will provide a better understanding of LD dynamics, an essential step towards improving the oil storage capacity of microalgae. Requirement: candidates with background in biochemistry, cell biology or molecular biology are all encouraged, and previous experience with microalgae is a plus but not essential.

For motivated candidates, please send your CV to Yonghua Li-Beisson (
For additional information related to this project or on our work, please visit:
Team website:
or my home page:

8 mars 2022 Permanent scientist position

The CEA recruits a Scientist in “Molecular genetic manipulation of microalgae or cyanobacteria for biofuel or green chemical production”

A permanent scientist position is open in the team “Bioenergy and Microalgae” (EBM) within the BIAM institute located in the Cadarache centre, Southern France (Provence)
The scientist will initiate projects on genetic manipulation (genetic engineering, synthetic biology or genome editing) of microalgae to introduce novel pathways or improve existing pathways for the production of molecules of interest.
Studies will be conducted on the model microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, or other algal or cyanobacterial species the scientist may propose to develop within the team. Scientific questions can be large and range from improving growth and CO2 assimilation, to enhancing lipid storage, or re-directing carbon flux to booster production of molecules of interests, but it should fit in the major mission of the host team (see description below).
Mission and activities of the host team
You will benefit from the expertise of the host team ( and from the environment of the BIAM institute, CEA and Aix-Marseille University (
You will be working in the « Bioenergy and Microalgae » team, which is composed of 4 scientists, 4 engineers, 3 technicians and usually 3-5 PhD students and postdocs.
The main objectives of the EBM team is to explore the potential of microalgae for biotechnological applications especially in the field of bioenergy. Specifically, we study the processes of photo-reduction of CO2 to the formation and storage of energy-rich molecules (such as lipids and alkanes). The research is based on genetic, biochemical, lipidomic and biophysical approaches developed on model organisms such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to identify the key genes of photosynthesis and lipid metabolism, and on an exploration of biodiversity to search for enzymes, metabolic pathways or photosynthetic microorganisms of interest.

The recent work of the team has led to several discoveries such as i) the light driven synthesis of hydrocarbon in microalgae by a novel photoenzyme, the fatty acid photodecarboxylase (FAP); ii) the source(s) of energy essential for CO2 concentrating mechanisms (CCM) in microalgae; or iii) the importance of energy trafficking between subcellular organelles for CO2 fixation and cell fitness (publications). These work are supported by various tools we have developed over the years which are collectively housed in the HelioBiotec platform.
We cover a wide range of fields from algal physiology to lipid metabolism, photosynthesis, and the discovery of new enzymes. We strive to shed light on the fundamental understanding of algal physiology and metabolism, with a view to applications in the fields of bioenergy, CO2 fixation and the production of high value-added molecules.
The position is open to candidates with a PhD and at least one year of postdoctoral experience. Candidates should have a strong background in genetic engineering, synthetic biology or genome editing. Experience in microalgae would be a plus.
The ability to interact with other researchers in the team and to work as a team is very important. The person recruited will also be expected to write grant proposals and scientific publications and will therefore also need good oral communication and writing skills. He/she will also have to supervise master students, PhD students or post-docs.
A good command of English is essential. French is not necessary in the laboratory but its learning will be recommended to facilitate the insertion in the social life.

CEA’s life quality
Expected salary range at the beginning: net salary from 2620€/month to 3100€/month for 1 to 6 years of postdoctoral experience.
Social benefit: 52 days of annual paid holidays; retirement plan; French national social security for health and retirement, free school system and international school for foreign children.


Application procedure
Please send your application file at, including:
 A cover letter
 Your recent CV including a list of publications
 Major achievements/research contributions (2-4 pages) and general outlines of the proposal (about 1 page). The whole document (Arial 12, single space, all margins 2 cm) must not exceed 5 pages.
 2 to 3 letters of recommendation.
Please, submit your application as a single pdf file and name the file with your last name first and the name of team (EBM), e.g. DUPONT_application_EBM.pdf.
The deadline to apply is April 19, 2022 11:00 p.m. CET.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to discuss with the host team and propose a 3-year research project (3-5-pages). Interviews of candidates will be held as of June 2022 for a position in the fall of 2022.

For scientific questions, please contact: Yonghua Li-Beisson (

9 mars 2022 CDD chercheur


L’université de technologie de Compiègne recrute un(e) chercheur contractuel en biochimie
végétale au département Génie Biologique – laboratoire Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire (GEC).
Le projet vise à comprendre l’effet de l’acide salicylique (SA), une hormone végétale, sur le
métabolisme des plantes.
Ce projet de recherche est financé par la région Hauts-de-France dans le cadre du dispositif

Pour plus d’information:


Contact scientifique
Eric Ruelland, CNRS laboratoire GEC,
Un CV et une lettre de candidature, format pdf, sont à déposer à l’adresse suivante :
Pour tout renseignement complémentaire :
Lydie Rodriguez : Tél. 03 44 23 52 81
UTC – direction des ressources humaines – pôle recrutement – UTC/DRH/PR/2022 – rubrique : recrutement

22 avril 2022 Call for PhD candidate

Regulation of physiological and biochemical parameters during moderate intensity training in a dyslipidemic Wistar rat. Evaluation of the efficiency of microalgal extracts used as food supplements.

Call for PhD candidate at Le Mans University:
Topic: Regulation of physiological and biochemical parameters during moderate intensity training in a dyslipidemic Wistar rat. Evaluation of the efficiency of microalgal extracts used as food supplements.
Contact: Lionel ULMANN
Maître de Conférences – HDR 
IUT – Département Génie Biologique 
52 rue des Docteurs Calmette et Guérin
BP 2045
53020 Laval Cedex 09
Tél. +33 (0)2 44 02 24 73

more details here

11 mai 2022 CDD Ingénieur CNRS

Ingénieur biologiste en plateforme scientifique

CDD sur contrat ANR: Ingénieur biologiste en plateforme scientifique (LIPIDOCEAN) H/F

Date Limite Candidature : mardi 31 mai 2022

Référence : UMR6539-ANNPOD-037
Lieu de travail : PLOUZANE
Date de publication : mardi 10 mai 2022
Type de contrat : CDD Technique/Administratif
Durée du contrat : 36 mois
Date d’embauche prévue : 1 juillet 2022
Quotité de travail : Temps complet
Rémunération : entre 2 487,25 et 3 157,33€ bruts mensuels selon expérience
Niveau d’études souhaité : Doctorat
Expérience souhaitée : Indifférent

L’Ingénieur.e de recherche aura pour missions l’analyse des acides gras et des stérols par GC-FID, GC-MS, et GC-c-IRMS, le traitement et l’ interprétation de données issues des analyses réalisées. Il/elle sera amené.e à développer de nouveaux outils analytiques. Il/elle aura en charge la gestion administrative et financière des projets privé-public et des prestations industrielles, la gestion des consommables et des équipements, l’encadrement de l’équipe technique et la formation des utilisateurs.



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